How to: How do I activate Dark Mode on Google Chrome?

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Activate the dark mode view on Chrome

Google Chrome has a dark mode for desktop and mobile devices. But activation isn't as easy as you might expect. Unlike some browsers (like Firefox and Vivaldi), there is no box to activate it or a swipe switch. Chrome's Dark Mode is activated in a different way for each operating system.

That is why we have put together this guide for you, which explains how to activate Dark Mode on Chrome for Windows, MacOS, iOS, iPadiOS or Android. We'll also show you how to use Dark Mode on websites that don't officially support it. Get ready for a whole new online experience!

There are several reasons to choose Chrome dark mode. For mobile devices, battery life is probably the biggest factor. The screen consumes a lot of energy and in 2018 Google even confirmed itself that apps with darker interfaces consume much less juice than their bright, white counterparts.

Choosing the dark mode also means that you are exposed to less blue light. Blue light can affect your sleep. Lack of sleep not only makes you feel tired and moody, but is also related to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

And besides, it just looks cool. The material design language from Google and Facebook's latest update are both very bright and white. Switching to dark mode is a refreshing change. Are these reasons enough to seduce you? Then you will immediately learn how to switch to Dark Mode on Chrome for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.

Enable dark mode on Chrome for Windows 10

1. Go to the 'Personalization' menu item, click on 'Colors' and scroll down to 'Select colors'.

2. Change this to 'Dark' and all applications will now be played in dark mode. Chrome now also changes color. It is not necessary to restart the browser.

Enable dark mode on Chrome for macOS
1. Open the 'System Settings', go to 'General' and select 'Appearance'.

2. Take the 'Dark' option. As with Windows, all apps are now automatically displayed in dark mode - without any further action by you.

Activate dark mode on Chrome for Android
1. Dark mode is still an experimental feature in Chrome for Android, so keep in mind that some design elements might look a little strange. To activate it, type chrome: // flags in the address bar of the browser.

2. Enter the word 'dark' in the search line on the flags page. You will then find two options: 'Android web content dark mode' and 'Android Chrome UI dark mode'. If you activate the first option, the browser recognizes whether the developers of a website have provided a dark mode and displays this theme automatically. If there is no dark version, the browser reverses the colors of the page. If you activate the second option, it means that the browser interface itself appears in dark mode.

3. Click on the drop-down menu under each of these selections and change the setting to 'Enabled', restart Chrome.

4. Now open the Settings menu, tap on 'Themes' and select 'Dark'. If you don't see the theme option, restart Chrome again and this should appear.

Activate Dark Mode on Chrome on iOS or iPadOS

1. Open 'Settings', go to 'Display & Brightness'. You will now see two appearances above: 'Light' and 'Dark'. By tapping on 'Dark' you activate the Dark Mode.

2. You can also automate the dark mode. Activate the 'Automatic' item, then go to the 'Options' field below. Now you can determine whether the dark mode should be displayed automatically from sunset to sunrise. Alternatively, you can set your own schedule here.

Force dark mode on websites with Chrome

Some websites have their own dark mode, which can be activated automatically if you use the dark mode on Chrome. Websites that don't have dark mode can be forced to do so - by reversing the colors.

The function is not yet fully implemented, so you cannot find it in the main menu. But you can try it out by visiting chrome: // flags / # enable-force-dark and turning the switch to 'Enabled'.

If you now use Chrome in dark mode, all websites should automatically adjust the color. The feature is not yet perfect, so some pages may look a bit strange, but overall it works well.
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