How to archive files in windows

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A lot of people worry about archiving digital files for long periods of time. Legitimate business concern. I would not go as far as the people who insist that burned CDs and DVDs. But it is true that these unstable burnable discs use light-sensitive dyes, and will probably not readable in 20 years. And if they are, you will still have optical drivers for them? Or software that can read the files?

We tear apart a hard drive and SSD to show you how they work]
It's impossible to answer any of these questions definitively at this time. Good deal but a few precautions and educated, will improve your that we are the great-grandchildren will enjoy your wedding photos.

Let's first consider the software.

Note that controlled by one company that everyone uses and stick with popular file formats. Now more applications support the format, the greater the chance that someone will support it in 50 years. The same files in more than one format and makes it possible to save time.

Save and store documents .docx .doc .PDF, and .html. With photos, go .JPG and .png. For music, .MP3 and .wav.

The video business is a real problem, because the formats are not real standards. A device that can play one. Your best bet is to work to burn the files to DVD or Blu-ray Discs.

Which brings us to the next question.

First, to keep them on your main internal storage - SSD, or cloud service. And make sure you have a daily backup files are included in your regular routine.

Then, for added protection, burn them to special, archival optical discs. Business your best bet is probably M-Discs. Now Burning the M-Disc it's a bit like carving the bits in granite, and the company claims that they'll last for 1,000 years.

That claim is accurate? I can not tell you for another 999 years. But I've seen reports that government test capability M-burnable disks are more stable than other discus.

You need a special drive to burn M-Discs. But before it burned, they can read on any DVD drive (Blu-ray M-Disks are on the way).

I can not say whether for optical drive will be available in the future, but I suspect that they will be even longer than common-for a very long time. If you have enough people to read this, there will be drivers in making profits. You can still buy a new floppy drive, VHS player, or turntable, or even one that plays 78's and 45's.
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