How to Bluetooth, Uniting computer and printer

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A Bluetooth Path To The Printer

Q. Is it possible to print wirelessly via a Bluetooth connection?

A. Bluetooth, the wireless technology named after a 10th time. Century Viking king who United Denmark and Norway, can be used in fact for the pressure-if you have the right equipment on both sides of the connection. Although it was sometimes confused with Wi-Fi wireless networking when first introduced, Bluetooth is intended to replace the cables for short range connections, such as those from a computer to a printer or a personal organizer, a laptop.

Print over Bluetooth, you need to have installed on both a computer and a printer with a Bluetooth card. Many new Laptops come with built-in Bluetooth, but you can also have a external Bluetooth adapter to buy. Several hardware companies used to simple Bluetooth Adapter, starting at about $50 that plugs in to the computer with a U. S. B. port, and you can slot and Bluetooth cards fit in a laptop card.

Many Palm and Pocket PC hand-held organizers now come with built-in Bluetooth as well, and the expansion cards are not available, add Bluetooth to older models.

If your printer is not Bluetooth-ready out of its box, you will need a compatible adapter for you as well. If you have a specific brand of printer that you may check with the manufacturer to see if it makes its own Bluetooth adapter.

Several third-party Bluetooth adapters that can by companies such as Iogear and Belkin also convert your U. s. a. or parallel printer into a wireless wonder, the prices for printer Adapter generally start around $80.

Interim Web access while on the go

Q: I am moving and changing Internet Provider. How can I?the Internet via a free or inexpensive dial-up service like Juno until I get access to the Internet in my new home

A. A cost-effective dial-up connection to the Internet can come in handy to get back online, while you are unpacking. Before you pack up the PC, however, you want to maybe get an Internet provider and download the dial-up software so that the program already on the computer when you arrive at your new location. (You don't need to install it, but make sure that you have the software before you log off your old connection for the last time.)

Juno has information about his services for the Windows and Macintosh users and you will find links to free and cheap Internet providers around the world

Backing up Is Not Hard to Do

Q: I would like to be able to have my iTunes music files on a drive or something that isn't my iPod or a CD, in case something happens to my computer. What device should I use to backup, so I have to rerip all my CD's again?

A. External hard drives that connect to a computer, the U. S. B. or FireWire port, you can give a lot of space to make a backup copy of your iTunes music folder (where your music files are stored) and boot everything else on your computer. It is possible, a 200-gigabyte Online drive for as little as $200, the Web, and many drives come process with software that simplifies the backup.

If you have a lot of music in your iTunes music folder, you need to copy any a whole external hard drive to your collection. If you happen to be a subscriber .Mac (Apple costs $99-a-year collection of Mac OS X utilities), you can use the free Backup program to automatically copy just your iTunes music and playlists to the external hard drive.

Recording your audio library to a DVD or CD, not audio CD but as a data CD with iTunes -- can also save you the chore of reripping CD tracks to iPod-ready files, because the files will be copied to the data disc in iTunes-compatible formats (MP3, AAC or otherwise), including purchased tracks from the iTunes Music Store. These files can easily be added back in the iTunes library to a new or reformatted hard drive with the "Add to library" command under the iTunes file menu.

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